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Our vision

To be a global, people-centred, diversified healthcare organisation.

We are able to realise this vision as we support it with our four strategic pillars:

Continue to grow our businesses, while diversifying our sources of revenue.
Deliver cost-effective care through our employees, clinicians, efficient processes, and the use of technology, research and innovation.
Deliver market-leading quality care and patient experience.
Effectively engage with our stakeholders to ensure our long-term sustainability.


from continuing operations +4.0% to R13.0 billion

Normalised EBITDA* from continuing operations of R2.4 billion

Cash generated from
operations of R2.3 billion

Normalised earnings per share (NEPS)*
from continuing operations 2.4% to 52.8 cents

Completed disposal of Scanmed for a total cash consideration of R733 million

Strong financial position with
available undrawn facilities of R6.4 billion

* Non-IFRS measures.

Our five core values

We aim to leave a lasting impression of understanding and meeting our patients’ needs.
We achieve this by focusing on our five core values:

Passion for people

those that are the life of our business


quality to the power of e (ethics, excellence, empowerment, empathy, energy)

Performance pride

we act for the right reasons, with quality in mind

Personal care

adding the human touch

Lifetime partnerships

with our patients at the very centre


Thoughtfulness goes a long way, so we aim to leave a lasting impression of understanding, of meeting patients’ needs, and really listening to them.



Life Healthcare had a positive trading performance for the period ended 31 March 2021 (H1 2021, or the current period), particularly given the continuing impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic (COVID‑19).

During the current period, the Group experienced the full impact of the second COVID‑19 wave, whereas the effect of the first COVID‑19 wave in six months ended 31 March 2020 (H1 2020, or the prior period) was felt primarily in the international business, with the southern African business impacted for only a two-week period in March 2020.